
Yang Qin (Wuchang/Hankou)

湖北省妇幼保健院儿保科专家 北斗星儿童保健科特邀主诊医师

Pediatric Health Care Physician, Specially Invited Consultant

    Postgraduate tutor,Professor
    Chief physician of Children's Health Department of Hubei Maternal and Child Health Hospital
    Chairman of the Child Health Professional Committee of Hubei Preventive Medicine Association
    Member of the Standing Committee of the National Professional Committee for Child Health Care
    Vice Chairman of Hubei Expert Group of China Medical Promotion Association
    Leader of Children's Health Science at the Pleiades Children's Hospital

擅长: 儿童保健领域的权威专家,在儿科及儿童保健工作三十余年,长期从事保健、临床、教学研究等儿童健康的一系列工作,尤为擅长儿童保健、喂养营养咨询指导、生长发育监测、高危儿的筛查与干预、健康教育等疾病的诊疗,在神经心理行为发育评估与干预、儿童发育障碍及心理行为障碍的早期筛查上有丰富的诊疗经验,如感觉统合失调、自闭症、言语障碍、ADHD注意力缺陷、多动症、抽动症、学习困难等。

Specialized in: She is an authoritative expert in the field of children's health care. She has been working in Pediatrics and child health care for more than 30 years. She has been engaged in a series of work on children's health such as health care, clinical, teaching and research for a long time. She has rich experience in the diagnosis and treatment of neuropsychobehavioral development assessment and intervention, early screening of children with developmental disorders and psychobehavioral disorders, such as sensory integration disorder, autism, speech disorders, ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, tourette's disorder, learning difficulties, etc.